Configuring Supervisor for Unopim

Updated 18 September 2024

When managing processes for your Unopim project, Supervisor can be a key tool to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Here’s a guide on how to set up Supervisor to handle your Unopim processes.

The supervisor is the most commonly used and recommended process control for UnoPim.

How to setup?

Install supervisor by running the commands after that follow the below points.

    apt update
    apt install supervisor

    1. Location of Configuration Files

    Supervisor configuration files are typically found in the /etc/supervisor/conf.d directory. You’ll create a new configuration file here to specify how Supervisor should manage your Unopim processes.

    2. Creating the Configuration File

    Let’s say you want to manage a process for handling tasks in Unopim. You would create a configuration file, for instance, named unopim-worker.conf, in the /etc/supervisor/conf.d directory. Here’s an example configuration:

    command=/usr/bin/php /home/users/deepak.kumar/www/html/unopim/artisan queue:work

    Explanation of Configuration Directives:

    3. Starting Supervisor

    After creating and saving your configuration file, you need to update Supervisor’s configuration and start the processes. Use the following commands:

    sudo supervisorctl reread
    sudo supervisorctl update
    sudo supervisorctl start unopim-worker:*

    For further details and advanced configurations, you can refer to the Supervisor documentation. This will provide additional insights into how you can leverage Supervisor for managing your Unopim project effectively.


    So, that was much about the  Process control in UnoPim for any queries or doubts reach out to us at You can also raise a ticket at our HelpDesk System.

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