How to Create an Attribute in UnoPim?

Updated 23 September 2024

In this article, we will look at how to create attributes in UnoPim.

To start, let’s understand what an attribute is: it’s a feature of a product, like its name, description, price, color etc.

An attribute is a characteristic or property that describes a product. It specifies details or features within the product information management system.

In UnoPIM, you can choose from 11 different types of attributes.

Want to learn more about UnoPim? Check out this overview: What is UnoPim

Video Tutorials

Check out the following video tutorials below:

Types of Attribute In UnoPim

A product attribute is a feature that describes what a product is like. UnoPim offers many different types of attributes to choose from.

Create Attributes in UnoPim

To create an attribute in UnoPim, the user first needs to go to the UnoPim Dashboard.

Next, click on “Catalog” and then “Attribute.”

To create a new attribute, click the “Create Attribute” option on the right side of the dashboard.

After that, enter the label and code, and select the attribute type.

Type:- There are various attribute types available in UnoPim such as Text, Textarea, Price, Boolean, Select, Multi-select, DateTime, checkbox and Date.

After that you can click on the validation and configurations.

In text type of attribute you can select the input validation for the attribute as per your need.

Is Required: Click on the checkbox if the attribute is required.

Is Unique: In the text, data, and datetime attributes, you can designate the attribute value as unique by selecting the checkbox.

Value per Channel: The user can click on the check box if they want to add a different value per channel.

Value per Locale: The user can click on the check box if they want to have a different value per locale.

After that, you will receive a notification confirming that the attribute has been successfully created. The user can then view all the attribute in the grid.

This is how you can create an attributes in UnoPim. Hope this helps! If you encounter any issues, feel free to submit a ticket at our Support Portal.

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